Niederländische Steuererklärungen und EMCS

Diese Pressemeldung ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar. EMCS is a computerised system of the European Union for monitoring movements of excise goods under suspension of excise duty within the EU.

In Drink-IT, logistic movements & full inventory management for goods under suspension are aligned with the requirements of the e-AD (electronic Administrative Document) to communicate from the consignor, where the goods leave the tax warehouse, to the consignee via Member State administrations.

Drink-IT has been localized for the Dutch market and supports the Dutch Tax reporting and EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System) for the Netherlands. The EMCS solution has been built with a direct communication to the authorities. As determined by these authorities, the outgoing and incoming messages are based on e-mail communication with xml files in attachment.  NORRIQ is now fully authorized as communication partner for EMCS with the Dutch authorities!